Desktop Support Service in New York – 7 Useful Computer Maintenance Tips

Regular computer maintenance is important to ensure the smooth running of your systems and to help prevent viruses and other malicious attacks. Well-maintained computers boost productivity and increase security in the long run. Many companies prefer to leave this type of complex maintenance to a reliable desktop support service in New York. It’s a hassle-free way to ensure security and productivity while keeping your computers running in optimal condition.

Here are seven useful computer maintenance tips that help keep your systems running smoothly.

1. Install and Maintain Anti-Virus Software

This is perhaps the most important way to keep your computer systems safe and secure while maintaining productivity. There are do-it-yourself options, but the most effective way is to let a reliable desktop support service handle it for you. They’ll ensure that your anti-virus software is always up to date. A qualified desktop support service can also provide advanced security measures such as protection from ransomware and complete system monitoring to stop attacks before they get too deep into your system.

2. Update Your System

Updates to your software are also crucial to cyber security. Everything including your operating systems, server software, applications, your mobile device software, and device drivers should be up to date. Again, a desktop support service in New York can help ensure your organization’s computer systems are all running the latest software updates and patches to protect from viruses and other attacks, and to improve productivity.

3. Remove Unused Files and Programs

One of the biggest threats to system slowdowns is that pile of unused files and programs sitting on your computers. Backing up or deleting files, removing old versions of software, and even finding and removing duplicate files will free up space on your computers that will enhance system performance.

A desktop support service can help you find unused files, devise a backup strategy to archive files off your main systems, and remove bloatware and other unused programs.

4. Browse Safely

Another major threat to your organization’s systems is malicious software downloaded from the Internet or through email. Viruses, phishing scams, links to infected websites, and other threats are lurking. A desktop support service can ensure you have an advanced firewall protecting your systems. Some desktop support services in New York may even provide awareness training for your staff so that they know what links NOT to click, and what emails to delete immediately.

5. Physical Clean Up

Cleaning up your computer systems doesn’t just mean software and files. Over time, dust can build up in your hardware causing overheating and even system breakdown. Depending on your environment, this can happen quite quickly. Find a reliable desktop support professional in New York who knows where to look for dust and how to remove it safely without damaging your hardware.

6. Consider a UPS

Many system crashes and instances of data loss result from power surges, voltage fluctuations, and of course complete power outages. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can reduce the chance of data loss and corrupted files. As always though, be sure to unplug your computer during lightning storms – not even the best UPS on the market can guarantee surges of that magnitude.

7. Data Backup

From the dawn of computers, people have lost important data for a whole host of reasons. That’s why it’s so important to ensure you have a bulletproof data backup system. These days, cloud services offer the easiest and most economical solutions, allowing you to back up your data offsite and even improve productivity by allowing your organization to access data from anywhere in the world. An experienced desktop support service in New York can help you design a suitable backup system for your organization and provide advanced solutions for especially crucial data such as e-commerce sales, and set up ongoing backups throughout the day.

CompCiti Business Solutions, Inc. – Your Reliable Desktop Support Service in New York

CompCiti has provided professional, reliable desktop support service in New York since 1996. Of course, services have changed since those early days. Today CompCiti provides everything including advanced cyber management services, cybersecurity, managed IT services, and other IT services. Couple that with outstanding customer services (including Google 5-Star reviews) and 24/7 emergency service, and CompCiti is the clear choice for desktop support service in New York. Call today at (212) 594-4374 to find out how CompCiti can keep your systems safe, secure, and always running.