Slow Computers? Don’t Replace! Find a Computer Repair Service in New York for a Tune-Up

When your computer slows down, that means it’s time to replace, right? Not necessarily. After all, you don’t replace your car every time there’s a problem. Sometimes all you need is a good tune-up.

That’s where a professional computer repair service in New York can help. They can troubleshoot your computers and quickly identify the problem. Breakdowns, slow downs, glitches – local companies and organizations are better off finding a computer repair service in New York to help them get their computers running like new again at a fraction of the cost of replacement.

What’s the Problem?

Most computer-related problems fall under two categories: software problems and hardware problems. Although there are many different possibilities, the good news is that most are common problems that every computer repair service in New York has seen more than once. Here is a breakdown of each category, and what can be done to help:

Software Replacement & Virus Scanning/Cleaning

Computers tend to slow down over time just from normal usage. This is for many reasons including outdated operating systems, unused software, and disorganized hard drives. Virus and malware attacks can also affect the speed of your computer, running in the background and taking up valuable resources. A professional computer repair service can quickly resolve these issues by updating the software you use, removing the software you don’t, scanning your system for viruses, streamlining your computer data, and ensuring your data is being backed up properly.

Hardware Upgrades and Repairs Service

Computers are like any other appliance – they can wear out over time. Dust and damage are common culprits. A scratched or run-down hard drive for example can dramatically reduce your computer’s performance. This can easily be replaced and even upgraded for faster performance. Sometimes though all you need is a good cleaning in a non-static environment to prevent slowdowns due to overheating.

Upgrading your RAM – your computer memory – is another good way to improve system performance. In some cases you can also upgrade your CPU, the heart of your computer, for tremendous results. Most computer repair services in New York are quite capable of making these upgrades so your computer is as good as new without the cost of buying new.

CompCiti is Your Best Choice for Computer Repair Services in New York

Not all computer repair services in New York are alike. Some specialize in residential repairs only, while others will “get to it” when they can with no firm timeline or plan in place.

CompCiti Business Solutions, Inc. is different. We specialize in business computing and can upgrade and repair multiple computers in your organization at a time. Need a massive upgrade or special software installation? Not a problem for CompCiti. We’ll provide you with a plan and a timeline to minimize disruption. We’ll even help you onsite if necessary, and we offer 24/7 emergency computer repair service in New York. Find out more at or call us directly at (212) 594-4374. For more details, stay social with us: